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The Creation and Maintenance of Natural Meadow Habitats - Beyond Just Mown Lawn with John Blakeman (Virtual)

This event has ended
Wednesday, June 26th, 2024
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Will be Recorded Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation

Wild Ones Greater Cleveland is welcoming back John Blakeman to continue and expand on his discussion started at our April Chapter Meeting.  View his educational presentation from April on our YouTube channel here!

This month's discussion is entitled:

The Creation and Maintenance of Natural Meadow Habitats - Beyond Just Mown Lawn

In this online presentation, John Blakeman, native plants landscape designer, will describe the major issues and approaches in converting portions of residential and park lawn spaces to native plant habitats, to enhance the natural beauty of these otherwise bland and featureless landscapes. 

Expanses of mown turf are the expected, even mandated landscape features of both residences and parks. But with careful, artful designs, islands and hedges of native grasses, flowers, and shrubs can dramatically enhance lawn green spaces, in both small and large lawn areas. The legal and design issues of these new plantings will be detailed, with illustrations of successful native plants designs. 

Log on virtually to listen in!

Meeting ID: 849 2998 3584
Passcode: 3QtN5!


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